Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy takes a “hands-on” approach and focuses on the manual treatment of the soft tissue of the body, i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and fascia. Hands-on techniques are used to diagnose, prevent or treat underlying conditions and problems. Both the symptoms of the ailment and the underlying cause are treated with physical therapy.
Physical therapy has been proven to be very safe, non-invasive method of treatment. It takes the obstacles out of the way so that the body can heal to the best of its ability. Physical therapy works very well alongside other health care practices and is particularly effective in conjunction with dry needling.
Each physical therapy treatment is tailored to the client’s individual problem and needs. As a therapist, it is equally important to identify when a problem is not being caused by the musculoskeletal injury present. In these cases, it is our job to direct the client towards the medical professional that is most likely to help to resolve their problem, e.g. GP, dentist, neurosurgeon, rheumatologist, etc.
As part of the hands on treatment, the following manual techniques are used among others: soft tissue and/or deep tissue massage, peripheral joint mobilization, stretching, muscle energy techniques, heat, cold. Physical therapy will almost always include exercises; these specifically chosen exercises will help to stretch, mobilize, stabilize or strengthen the affected area. They will also reduce the patient’s recovery time and hasten their return to the level of mobility, fitness or activity that they desire. In some cases, postural re-education programs can be given as a home exercise program to aid recovery and prevent re-occurrence of the condition.